Millones de Productos que Comprar! Envío Gratis en Productos Participantes. Los paneles de composite están formados por dos planchas de aluminio y un núcleo central de polietileno.
La marca más conocida del mercado es DIBOND de la casa AlcanComposites. El fino espesor del material restante permite un plegado manual a canto vivo, por lo que no es necesario recurrir a una prensa de plegado. The panel combines two 0. La forma de la ranura determina el radio de plegado. La película protectora sólo debe retirarse después de su procesamiento.
Este trabajo trata del embellecimiento o protección de fachadas mediante la aplicación de placas composite de 4mm. Mediante la aplicación de silicona de anclaje y tornillería de acero inoxidable, tanto en placas rectas como en ángulos rasuradas mediante fresas.
Original DIBOND is the Aluminium Composite Panel for photo lamination, direct digital and screen printing and many other applications in indoor and outdoor areas. Alu- DIBOND sheets are dimensionally stable and rigi temperature-resistant and three-dimensionally deformable. De esta manera, se con-serva intacta la parte anversa del panel así como el núcleo de material plástico.
This high-quality sheet material provides a stable background for photo mounting, screen printing and vinyl applications, and combines two materials in one panel – a polythene core and an aluminium polyester varnish. Il est léger et transformable en 3D tout en étant extrêmement stable et rigide. It is comprised of two pre-painted sheets of. Known as the flattest sheet on the market, this material is great for digital printing.
DIBOND is a composite panel applicable for all kind of signs, for exhibition booths and shop-fitting, but also for direct digital printing and premium presentations, e. A Composites USA Inc. This new composites material finish has polyester clear-coat applied over the brushed aluminum finish. Dibond material, brushed aluminum finish.
It is light and can be 3-dimensionally shape making it extremely stable and rigid. It is lightweight – extremely rigid and strong, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor applications. PANEL DE ALUMINIO COMPOSITE ACP - LERBOND LIGHT Composite con núcleo de polietileno negro y superficies de aluminio con pintura de poliéster para rotulación o impresión digital.
Ventajas del uso de Composite. They can be used in a huge range of applications, they are lightweight but strong and the extremely flat surface is great for printing high-quality graphics or text.
A rigid aluminium composite. UV resistant polyethylene core.
WH-1Fresa hendido composite dibond para mecanización sencilla y económica de Alucobon posibilidad de realizar el plegado del material “in situ” reduciendo costes de transporte. Aluminium composite panel has a polythene core sandwiched by layers of aluminium. It is extremely rigid yet lightweight and it high quality surface gives stunningwith our direct to panel UV ink printing.
Known by the trade name synonymous with this product called Dibond. Aluminum Composite Material (ACM) sheet is made of two thin layers of aluminum bonded on either side of a polyethylene core. Because of its durability, dimensional stability, strength, and lightweight, ACM is commonly used for exterior and interior signage, in construction for building cladding, insulation, and wall linings, and as a substitute for steel in many applications.
Impresión de carteles y paneles de composite en el mejor precio. Fabricación e impresión personalizada con el diseño que desees. Comprised of two strong, pre-painted sheets of 0. These can be cut and shaped to fit your exact requirements. ACP is a versatile sheet material that has many applications.

Composite aluminio compuesto por dos chapas de aluminio, normalmente lacadas y pegadas a un alma de polietileno. This ensures consistent and high quality print and final product.
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