Er is net iets groots gebeurd hier in Nederland! Grijp deze unieke investeringsmogelijkheid! PIаn vаn zаkеnmаn hееft еnоrmе imрасt ор jоuw inkоmstеn! Vеrdiеn еIkе dаg gеId!
Mortero autonivelante para exteriores. Verarbeitun g: In ein sauberes Anrührgefäß gibt man klares Wasser und mischt unter kräftigem Umrühren so viel Pulver ein, dass ein klumpenfreier, verfließender Mörtel entsteht.
Millones de Productos que Comprar! Probeer het vandaag nog! Never mix with cement or additives other than ARDEX -approved products. Observe the basic rules of concrete work.
It can be used for filling, smoothing and levelling subfloors prior to coating, or installing tiles or other suitable floorcoverings. Daarnaast zijn ook toepassingen in zwaar belaste probleemgebieden mogelijk zoals het nivelleren van vloeroppervlakken in natte ruimtes, continu natte ruimtes, op balkons en terrassen voor het aanbrengen van tegelwerk, verflagen en coatings. Get Info From Multiple Sources. Fast setting – walkable after 2-hours Rapid hardening – can withstand light.
Install over: concrete, porous tile and certain non-porous surfaces on, above or below grade. When mixed with water, a fluid mortar is produced which sets after approximately hour and can normally be walked on after 2-hours at 20°C.
It is a grey powder consisting of special cements, graded aggregates and high quality synthetic resins. Ardex K3can be applied from 2mm to 20mm in a single application. Til udspartling på arealer med fal max. Til oppretting av gulvflater i våtrom, vedvarende fuktbelastede områder, på balkonger og terrasser som underlag for keramiske fliser, gulvbelegg og maling.
Envío gratis con Amazon Prime. ARDEX K 3can be sealed to create a concrete wear surface. This product is suitable for use in wet areas and for interior or exterior applications.
Velegnet som slidlag på industrielt benyttede arealer, garager og parkeringsdæk. Til opretning af gulvflader i vådrum, områder med vedvarende vandpåvirkning, på balkoner og terrasser før lægning af fliser og klinker, samt til overmaling og belægninger.
Til lagtykkelser fra 2-mm. Utendørs avrettingsmasse. Navegación de imágenes ← Anteriores. Deja un comentario. Projekty We are proud of our amazing projects. ARDEX UK have been at the forefront of the tiling and flooring industries for over years.
ARDEX continue to offer unbeatable quality and cost effective solutions for building projects covering all sectors of business and commerce, such as retail outlets, leisure centres, health authorities, transport premises, art and educational institutions. Außenspachtelmasse.
ARDEX CD puede ser usado sobre la superficie de concreto existente para producir una capa de acabado nueva y para rellenar pequeños defectos de superficie como fisuras y hundimientos. K3is a fast setting, cement-based grey powder product consisting of special cements, graded aggregates and high quality synthetic resins designed to smooth and level rough and damaged concrete surfaces in external and internal situations.
Features:For smoothing and resurfacing paths, drives, parking areas, courtyards etc. Cost effective solution for smoothing rough or impact damaged concrete. Welcome to ARDEX Ireland.
The rapid drying formula means it can be walked on in just 2-hours and can take vehicle weights after just hours. This exterior self levelling compound can be built up from just 2mm to 20mm in a single application.
Ideal for resurfacing external areas such as paths, drives and parking areas. Livellante per esterni. Færdigblandet, udendørs gulvspartelmasse.

Til spartling, afretning og nivellering af gulvflader inden- og udendørs. White Cap is a leading supplier of Ardex products along with a huge inventory of residential, commercial and industrial construction supplies.
ARDEX K3exterior Self-Smoothing Levelling and Resurfacing Compound.
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